Garden Goals

I’ve enjoyed having a vegetable garden ever since moving to the country 17 years ago. There are always a few flowers included, and zinnias have been slowly taking over the past few seasons. My work keeps me in the studio much of the time, but I make it a point to set up outside for at least one garden painting. Here are some of them (all are sold):

2019 brings a different goal for my garden. As my art career has gotten busier, I have less time to devote to the care of raising vegetables. So my plan is to sow wildflower seeds, shifting its purpose to be more of a painting inspiration. (Okay, I can’t resist throwing few tomato plants in too, and oh yeah, some bell peppers.) The only place I can plant flowers is in my fenced garden space because of the herd of deer that also lives here, eating all my roses, bulbs, blueberries…they’re even chiseling away at the azaleas and camellias, which they didn’t used to bother.

I invite you to check back later this summer when I’ll post an update on the progress of my Artist Garden!